the Bloods & the Cribs

According to the most recent count, today in America there are three million young adults between the ages of 14 and 24 who are neither in school nor working. Failing to educate or employ these kids will increase the crime rates undoubtably..until Father G showed up!

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ExclUsiVe to tHe loWlanDs

Ἅγιος Νικόλαος Μυριώτης

The festive Saint-Nicolas has been celebrated in several European countries for centuries. Every country has its own version that mostly differs from the arrival of the Holy Man but also whether he has or has not got any servants at his disposal.

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geT tRippin'

Berlin Schmerzt

You can write about any city in the world and get a decent number of readers. One of them is Berlin. Many stories have been written, told and shared about Berlin, but in my opinion it can never be enough in this case. If there is one city that tells stories by just walking its streets, visiting its bars and restaurants and even its tourists attractions, it's Berlin. Even more than New York or San Fran, Moscow or Madrid. Cities that all had their fair share of historic moments but still all gather in the shadow, cast by Berlin!

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tHe tArtaN

a Scottish Heritage

As we can read on Wikipedia, a plaid may refer to:
- a cloth made with a tartan pattern. The literal Gaelic meaning is "blanket".
- the belted plaid or "great kilt", earlier form of the kilt
- used as a synonym for tartan in Canada and the US.

All true, but what exactly is that plaid, tartan, blanket or piece of cloth we use to keep us warm & cosy while watching TV at night?

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StuDio aRhoJ

Studio Arhoy is now located in Copenhagen, Denmark but was founded in Tokyo, Japan by Anders Arhoj. From the moment he opened his studio in 2005, his main focuses lie on Interior product design, Illustrations, Visual merchandising and Fabric prints & patterns. One of his projects are Danish Art Prints in-a-box.

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What doEs a MagAzIne nEeD?

Simple...products with a story!

One morning on my way to Cologne to hunt down some products for the Store, I stumbled upon a leatherman, an absolute craftsman who goes by the name of Christoph Hack. Before I left his store he handed me a magazine in which an article of his was published, The Heritage Post. 

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RecOrd bReakEr

the secret to a happy life..?

Ashrita Furman (born Keith Furman) had it all according to his parents. The brain to get into any Ivy League College and to become a great lawyer, just like his dad. But Keith decided to do something else. After becoming a devout follower of Sri Chinmoy, a spiritual leader, he changed his name to Ashrita (Sanskrit for protected by God), and started breaking records.

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winter favorites

Handpicked by EkstUr

Hopefully we all get a cosy, family-gathering and white Christmas this year. Perhaps not everywhere as white as in Korvatunturi Fell, but cosy doesn't necessarily means snow. We have made a small yet interesting collection for you containing not only perfect gifts for your loved ones, but most importantly a great pick to get you into a Christmas mood. 

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FoNt WizArd

and now for something completely different..Serge Haelterman

When Leen & Christiaan asked me to create their identity, I started searching for the red line within their product range. To find an overall theme as a starting point for the branding, this line is of great essence. However the product range they chose to carry was too broad to speak of one clear style or direction. So there I was, stuck with no clear style or direction.

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and growing up in the 80's

You can (and will) hear it from every generation. It was all better, nicer and tastier when they were growing up. Well, in my case it really was! Born in '76, growing up with late 70's but primarily 80's music that filled our living room on a daily basis. And I am not talking about Bros, Rick Astley and that gang (although they had some flair!), but The Cure, OMD, Kraftwerk, Yaz en come on Joy Division. What about U2 with The Joshua Tree, Rattle and Hum and Anton Corbijn's pictures? However..

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2 coMpleTe StranGerS on tHe stReEt..

Then what..?

Complete strangers, who have never met photographer Richard Renaldi nor their co-photographee! Complete strangers in the warmest embrace, an affectionate and almost passionate pose put together in front of a camera. That is what happens in Richard's Touching Strangers project.

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