NotHinG sTopS a BuLleT..
..Like a job
According to the most recent count, today in America there are three million young adults between the ages of 14 and 24 who are neither in school nor working. Failing to educate or employ these kids will increase the crime rates undoubtably..until Father G showed up!
Father Gregg committed his life to work with former gang members on the West coast of America. Visiting youth camps and prisons and serving on a myriad of advisory committees and task forces are just a few of his daytime activities. It has everything to do with process of rehabiliation and getting former gang members back into working society.
A crucial and critical step during this process is tattoo removal. Because the majority possesses visible tattoos – a physical obstacle that makes it difficult for them to obtain secure employment. These removals are in a sense another initiation into a group, only this time with a better outcome lying ahead. Father G and Co organise farmers markets and employ all the candidates in a bakery, cafe, dinner, grocery store and a company for silkscreen and embroidery.
On top of all this they put a brand on the market in cooperation with LA based Artecnica and Studio Lin: Homeboy Bags! Artecnica's most provocative Design with Conscience™ project to date..
..and Ekstur managed to get a hold of some of their Home Boy Totebags. And we're happy to share 'm with you.