Empty your Pocket!
One morning on my way to Cologne to hunt down some products for the Store, I stumbled upon a leatherman, an absolute craftsman who goes by the name of Christoph Hack. Before I left his store he handed me a magazine in which an article of his was published, The Heritage Post. As it is indeed our goal to bring heritage products back to life and emphasizing the stories behind the products, I jumped right in..was mesmerized and hungry for more.
Yes, it has been done before. Women emptying their bags for a magazine and exposing their livelihood on paper. Well, when this is done by a guy a complete new universe opens up in front you. Items appear which are actually forbidden in 90 % of the world or have never been seen before by 90% of the world..
And yes granted, although I do like to watch the odd car collector show on TV, I am not a gearhead nor a petrolhead. But I love reading about the background and heirloom of a bike glorified by Steve Mcqueen, the Triumph! Or that Japan is hitting the youngster market with a ray of cool and high quality jeans just makes me start looking for more.
After deciding that this was a magazine to be subscribed to, I soon found out that I wasn't the only one in their slipstream. I did find the first issue of The Heritage Post on Ebay for a staggering $ 76! Only 5 issues published (4 per annum) and already becoming a collectors item!! The Heritage Post was mine to keep. I did subscribe and I am very proud to announce that Eksturstore is now an official online dealership of this fabulous magazine. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. Word up!